Using HIPSTER Online Tools for Social Emotional Learning
1Youth Teams Register with HIPSTER Onboarding Tool
Preparation and Guidelines
2 Youth build Teams with HIPSTER Organizer Tool
Maximizes Social Engagement
Youth Teams Prototype Wearable Devices with HIPSTER Coding
Maximizes Learning Engagement
Youth Teams Write/Photo/Video With HIPSTER Journal
Maximizes Emotional Engagement
Backed by
Funded by
Cultivating Genius
Our Scrum For Kids
Our Story: YOUTH CODE COMPUTERSYoung Hipsters can Reverse Engineer their Future
HIPSTER is an acronym that stands for Harambee Interactive People Sharing Technology for Equity and Respect. Research shows that equity and respect are diminished when youth consume negative experiences from many sources of social injustice including media advertisements, transgenerational trauma, food insecurity, and state violence and fear.
Digital Coding: Reverse Engineer your Future Emotions
We track six negative emotions common in HIPSTER kids - horror, anger, disgust, stress, anguish, and panic - HAD SAP. HIPSTER kids begin counteraction by scrapbooking technology designs.
During the last ten years, the HIPSTER development team asked over 1000 respondents to affirm or deny if HAD SAP makes their environment unsafe or unsecure. The percentages are:
Digital Coding: Reverse Engineer your Future Environment
Safe emotional environments that reduce HAD SAP, social injustices, and transgenerational trauma are a prerequisite for equity and respect.
"Development requires the removal of major sources of unfreedom: poverty as well as tyranny, poor economic opportunities as well as systematic social deprivation, neglect of public facilities as well as intolerance or overactivity or repressive states." written by Amartya Sen
"Perhaps home is not a place but simply an irrevocable condition." written by James Baldwin
Digital CodingReverse Engineer your Future Clothing
The Clothing young hipsters wear can reduce HAD SAP, reflect positive emotions, and promote professionalism. For this reason, HIPSTER begins with all new young hipsters on a wearable project before their first career.
Young hipsters register as a team (8 to 15 years old) to create their first teams, digital storyboards, javascript (scripting), and prototypes for a new wearable!
By using our bespoke hipster online app (written from scratch), we have concocted a novel idea for building wearables based on the 'Genius Hour' approach created by Dr. Gholdy Muhuammed and observations during the hostings of 100s of art and technology events.
Digital Coding: Reverse Engineer your Future Business
This wearable would serve as a smart and mobile access point to the cloud worn on a person, hosting experiences inside its memory with deep learning and artificial intelligence, storing its contents as a three-dimensional media, displaying its contents as familiar traditional scrapbooks, and whose design could be as simple as the following images - a device created by Myo arm bands and a device created by nreal albeit our wearable would have a different purpose and behavior:
Armband by Myo
Glasses by Nreal
Syllabus #1: Youth Layout Media Advertisements
Youth teams can pin to their HIPSTER storyboards anything from the media - advertisements and articles - in a digital way.
Hipster Youth can also document personal media or HAD SAP.
HAD SAP happens everywhere such as in learning pods, home spaces, retail shops, restaurants, or even while driving a car. HIPSTER youth can share storyboards by transferring storyboards to the HIPSTER blogging system.
Do all wearables have to be pinned, sewed, or worn? The young hipster defines a wearable as anything that is attached to your body, even if its floating above you.
HIPSTER packages streams or files from 7 different technologies inside storyboards. The 7 technologies are scrapbooks, drones, kiosks, AR, VR, wearables, and 3-D printing. These technology streams can be added to a syllabus to demonstrate business uses and coding examples. Below are a few visual examples of wearables with which youth teams can enact storyboards, backward designs, or reverse advent calendars.
Through our observations, a mobile, wearable, and shareable approach to learning coding languages will imbue deeper meanings. HIPSTER suggest a syllabus that uses technology streaming devices as examples and discusses various elements coding within those devices at a high level to stimulate interest. Some elements coding could also be exemplified as online tools for managing horror, anger, disgust, stress, anxiety, and panic (HAD SAP).
HIPSTER has built 121+ survey components to help youth find their voice and a deeper purpose while learning coding.
Below are some simulations of widgets that youth can use and study.
The widgets used to conceptualize or build wearables embody actions or items that range widely from crude to exquisite. -Our observations suggest intuitive and exquisite widgets are peepholes to the future.
After observations from over four hundred events in art worlds - ideational and traditional - HIPSTER now cultivates and utilizes one hundred and twenty-one survey components, traditional KAP surveys, culture assessments, white label surveys, and team assessments.
Examples Below
The 10 blocks below represent (high-level) a sample thought model or maturity model to assembling an intuitive and transformative set of widgets. The 4 examples below represent some base code and ideas for widget development.
Widget #1:Choose and Survey your Mentors Business Owners Instructors
The first security step is to choose a moderator to ADORN your wearable, WITNESS your activities, and to ASSIST in your strategies during a meeting or conference between your people.
S Speakers, I Influencers, L Leaders, F Friends, or P Partners
This is the fourth process that chooses starting and ending times for a particular date. Members or customers can assess data such as maturity levels, dates, times, achievements, notifications, and gamifications.
Our wearables are partially based on starter kits which structure data for the AI's intellect. Our team has collected data sets through observations during 100s of art and technology events but we require more.
Our HIPSTER wearables will package the AI's intellect in ways that are shareable in a portfolio, viewable as a service, and tradeable as a commodity to increase equity and respect during youth business ventures. The following are different approaches to creating a syllabus for our Starter Kits:
Lab #1:Use Blogger Starter Kit
Embed your surveys into beautiful and interactive examples, rich text dialogue, videos, and full-blown stories that
connect tribes together with in-the-moment commenting statistics, ethnography, social engineering, and use cases. -Besides providing a rich text system for words, pictures, and video, our blogger starter kit has the following benefits:
The number one way to measure member or blogger satisfaction is through pulse surveys. _Your team wearables can send observations or survey information to its members at regularly scheduled intervals to keep tabs on important metrics.
HIPSTER wearables will be customizable to survey for meaning with over 121 graphical components and send pulse surveys to the entire tribe or segment surveys by groups (tables).
Other competitors do not have a way for bloggers to keep notes online, anywhere, and at any time. Bloggers often lose an inspirational thoughts without a notes taking system. Our wearable notes system will allow you to document notes from your wearable and easily and intuitively include those notes in your stories and/or surveys.
Write into an unlimited set of online calendars each time you have an individual moment-of-growth that is not yet realized as a milestone.
-Share your calendars with the team, tribe, or readers. -Formulate or name levels of maturity such as incidental, intentional, implicit, etc. over time trackable through our calendars documenting growth. Several built-in programs using maturity models are as follows:
Members can self survey for personal development in an area call the Progress Area. -Personal development leading to achievments are shareable through progressive thought models centered around current KPIs and OKRs.
Surveys by HIPSTER embedded inside blogs makes your survey a unique and shareable survey template. _HIPSTER also offers existing libraries of survey templates, often written by psychologists and data scientists.
Members or staff can view over 700+ reader characteristics, engagement rates, pulse survey completion rates, engagement rates by category, and even reader net promoter scores (accessing success of readers as employees or promoters) in some cases.
The HIPSTER Blogger Starter Kit is designed to be ethnographic of your intentions for yourself, document those intentions, and derive meanings for improvement of your blogs.
In a time of shelter-in-place, curb-side services, contact-tracing, and contactless pickup, our blogs are designed to utilize surveys to capture and communicate the necessary data and to perform e-commerce. HIPSTER is a one-stop shop for most hardware and sofware services for kiosks.
Mobility is the last frontier for surveys and HIPSTER is currently seeking grants and investments to create the ideal wearable that promotes surveys into intellectual assets.
Lab #2:Use Scrapbook Starter Kit
Connect tribes together with links to external web apps relative to any combination of your mobile surveys or observations. Using these connections, compose deeper meanings within your tribe through parnterships or advertisements.
Lab #3:Use AI Starter Kit
Our current project is to raise money to start a feasibility study that leads to the development of a prototype for a wearable band (on arm, head, leg, finger, toe, etc.) that serves to mobilize a memory mechanism wherein capturing in-the-moment intellectual assets as three-dimensional media.
Customize, schedule, and publish analytics for easy consumption and viewing on AR/VR/MX devices
Syllabus #5: Youth Cultivate Genius
Expand syllabi using as a premise the book "Cultivating Genius" by Gholdy Muhammed. We hope to achieve multiple Genius Hours before January, 2029. Our current goals are 2 million laptops, 1 million kids, 500 thousand mentors, and 200 thousand kid technology companies. Our vision is to utilize our digital HIPSTER platform and app to provide social emotional learning as a conduit to start and maintain kid technology companies before the age of 18 by cultivating their genius using 4 standard HLI principles.
HIPSTER Conferences and Tours (TBA)
-Experience the First and Only "Genius Hour" Software Platform for Kids on the Planet. Visit Harambee Interactive.
Next Release
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut
Contact Us
Young Hipsters can participate in an in-house focus group, code and build prototypes, join our early adoption program to package their own intellectual assets, and use wearables for self-improvement. Mentors and supporters can contact us to support our latest designs or integrations for cooperative devices (wearables). HIPSTER seeks to build intellectual security and future careers rivaling against horror, anger, disgust, stress, anxiety, and panic (HAD SAP).
Please, Join Us.Below is a our contact form for you to get in touch. Thank you in advance for your support.